La Luz Landowners Association

Architectural Committee Function

The Architecture Committee of the LLHOA has an important function—to oversee and maintain the original architectural design of La Luz. The ArC committee is available to answer questions about the architectural standards homeowners must follow. Requests for renovation and/or replacement must be made first to the ArC committee and approved before work can be started. Before a home is sold, the ArC committee inspects it and, if needed, requests any external repairs to meet the architectural standards.

Rules and Regulations

Policies, Procedures, Regulations

NM Tax Credit for Home Improvements

The following improvements may be eligible for a 50% tax credit on New Mexico state taxes:

  • Roof replacement
  • Insulating upgrades
  • HVAC and water heater replacement
  • Stucco
  • Interior brick refinishing
  • Major electrical and plumbing upgrades

Submit for consideration:

  • Door replacement
  • Interior painting
  • Cabinetry restoration
  • Interior courtyard renovation

Consult before you do work on your unit. The committee meets quarterly.  

Notice on Light Fixtures

for homes at 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ARCO; 2,4,6,8,10,12 POOL; 2,4,6,8,10 TENNIS COURT

The LLLA Board of Directors approved the Architecture Committee’s request to pre-purchase light fixture replacements for the over-garage lights at the end of the long driveways. The original light fixtures are starting to fail and better technology exists to make them more energy efficient. Rather than requiring every resident to find their own replacement light that was architecturally similar to the original and to each other’s, the committee researched, compared, and selected a replacement light fixture that they took to the Board for approval. 

The lights are now available at the office.  They are $244 ($226.40 for fixture + 7.75% NM sales tax). Please make checks payable to La Luz Landowners Association.

Who needs to do something now?

  • Owners who have broken lights and want to replace them
  • Owners who have changed out the original light fixture with an unapproved fixture

Residents interested in additional security measures (i.e., cameras, motion sensor lights), please confer with the committee about placement and to get approval. (see Standard 6 ArC Regulations and Standards, 2015)

Stucco Requirements For La Luz Units

La Luz has a new supplier for stucco. The required color has a new name, and there are new procedures for patching and/or restuccoing.

If you’ve walked around La Luz over the last year, you’ve noticed how many versions of “La Luz Brown” stucco there are. The original supplier, El Rey, has been sold to a German company, and quality control has declined significantly. Matt King and Glenn Mallory of the Architectural Committee (ArC) have researched the problem.  

A new supplier, Western Products available through Building Materials, has been found that has produced a version of La Luz Brown based on a sample from 10 Arco. Thanks to Matt’s hard work, the Architecture Committee has new procedures for repairs and restuccoing that will reduce the color variation across units. 

New Supplier: Western Products through Building Materials

New Name: Canyon Brown 

New Procedures: Approval required for ALL stucco work (including patching)

Contact ArC,, BEFORE you patch or restucco, for information and approval.  Thank you for doing your part to keep La Luz healthy for the next 50 years!

Roofs: The First Step in Effective Energy Upgrades for La Luz Units

As climate change and alternative energy sources are becoming high profile topics in the nation’s political and economic discourse, the question of how La Luz units can be upgraded for energy efficiency and self-sufficiency seems ever more relevant. Such upgrades offer an immediate benefit: improved comfort.



See PDF on roof repair for instructions

Other Requirements Information