The Landowners Association and Standing Committees form the heart of La Luz. While no one has to serve on a committee or the Board, historically there has been wide participation by residents, who appreciate the privilege to shape their community through democratic dialogue. Committees may wish to use this PPAC Form to help formulate proposals.
The Architectural Committee establishes the standards and procedures for repair and maintenance of exteriors in order to preserve the historical integrity of La Luz. Homeowners should be aware that they must not make changes to the exterior of their residence, or its surroundings, without regard to these rules or written permission from the Architecture Committee. See the Architecture Committee for rules and regulations.
Common Grounds
Common Grounds is an ad hoc committee created by the Board to oversee the planning and implementation of water saving measures in the common landscaped areas.
Landscape Plan Adopted 2014
External Affairs
The External Affairs Committee informs the residents about plans for and development of land around La Luz that would impact our community.
The Finance Committee is in charge of the annual audit and preparation of the annual budget and yearly financial statement presented to the members.
The Landscape Committee plans and oversees the care and maintenance of general landscaping issues.
The Maintenance Committee advises the Board on issues related to maintenance, repair or improvement of the Common Area, property, and facilities and equipment owned by the Association.
The Nominations Committee meets annually to nominate candidates willing to stand for election to the Board of Directors.
The Publicity Committee keeps members informed of activities and functions of the Association through publications and notices, and keeps the website up-to-date.
The Recreation Committee is in charge of social functions, including the recreational program and activities such as community gatherings.
Recent Updates Related to Governance and Committees